IBM z Systems
IBM z Systems enterprise solutions offer unmatched reliability, security and efficiency
IBM z Systems help the world’s most complex organisations and quickly growing enterprises outthink the competition. Rely on z Systems to deliver agility and efficiency through cloud, transact faster through blockchain, create outstanding customer experiences through analytics, and ensure service and data protection through the world’s most secure systems.

IBM z Systems in the cognitive era
It’s time to enter a new era – the era of cognitive computing. Gone are the days of simple transaction processing. We are gaining insights from data sources ranging from genomics to social media. This new age of technology will literally transform industries and the way the world works.
World Inside z Systems: Mobile
Mobile Technologies and The Internet of Things are both constantly and rapidly growing. In today’s marketplace, you can’t afford to slow down or take any chances on unproven systems. With IBM z Systems you’ll get a trusted, secure system that will consistently outperform all competitors and put your business on the map for growth and success. Running all of your mobile technologies on z Systems allows you to achieve unparalleled efficiency in both transactional volumes and analytics on mobile.
IBM Business Analytics Thought Leadership
Today there is a higher demand for sophisticated analytics, social media analytics, with big data, predictive and best next action capabilities. Business users realise that analytics can have a direct impact on better business performance, increased revenues, reduced risk and minimise costs. Aanalytics is now critical to business success and can help gain competitive advantage.
World Inside z Systems: Cloud
As your business grows, utilizing the space you have is extremely important. With IBM z Systems you can save your growing company valuable space while bringing it top performance in Trusted Cloud computing as well. Enabling your company with Cloud on z can save you the equivalent of a football field of server space. Adopting cloud can be a huge risk, but not with z System’s lower risk of exposure and a reported less than 4 hours of annual downtime.